Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day Tips

Today day is the day that gluttony is acceptable...or at least it seems. It is a day of celebration, feasting,, and naps.

Although most of us are putting "being healthy" on our to do list for the New Year, there are a few things we can do today to make it through without making ourselves sick.

*Drink lots of water.
Sugary drinks, for example, are filled with calories. Our mind doesn't count that as food, and so we eat just as much while we intake more calories.
Sometimes our mind plays tricks on us. If you are dehydrated, your body sends a thirsty signal to your brain way after the fact that you need some agua. It also falsely tells you you are hungry, when in fact, you are dehydrated.
Have a big glass of water before eating, and you will eat less.

*Fiber is key.
Did Aunt Margaret make a cool casserole that you just can't pass up? Take some, but eat a salad to balance it out. Fiber is filling while simple carbohydrates (sugars, starchy foods) only temporarily fill you up.

*Turkey is good.
Have your turkey, tofurkey, or turducken today. Lean proteins are good for your body. You need protein for numerous reasons. Just make sure you stick to the white meat and stay away from the skin and fat. Protein is also a good way to fill up on the good stuff and not be hungry later.
Want to know how much lean protein you need?  Check out this lean protein estimator.

*Portion sizes.
You don't want to offend anyone by not eating their dish or dessert. Eat it and be merry! When you get your first round of food, make each amount a small one.

I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving. Be sure to help Mom clean up today before you take a nap or watch the big game!

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